The Goodman Brand Gmvc96 High-Efficiencygas Furnace With Two-Stage Gas Valve And Avariable-Speed Circulating Blower Provides Efficientand Economical Performance. Unlike Single-Stagegas Furnaces That Operate ‘All On’ Or ‘All Off,’ Agoodman Brand Two-Stage Gas Furnace Typicallyruns At The Lowest Possible Speed To Preciselymaintain A Constant, Steady Temperature In Yourhome. A Two-Stage Gas Furnace Optimizes Itsheating Output To Maximize Indoor Comfort Andlower Energy Costs.
When Operating At Low-Speed Levels, Yourgoodman Brand Gas Furnace Consumes Less Energyto Keep Your Home Comfortable. In Addition, The97% Afue Rating On This Gas Furnace Means That97 Cents Of Every $1.00 Of Heating Energy Expensewarms Your Home. Some Older Central Heatingsystems Are Rated At 60% Afue. The Departmentof Energy (Doe) Established The Afue (Annual Fuelutilization Efficiency) System To Calculate The Annualoperating Cost Of Residential Gas Furnaces.
- Comfortnettm Communicatingsystems Compatible
- Heavy-Duty Aluminzed-Steel Tubularheat Exchanger
- Stainless-Steel Secondaryheat Exchanger
- Two-Stage Gas Valve Provides Quiet,Economical Heating
- Durable Silicon Nitride Igniter
- Quiet Two-Speed Induceddraft Blower
- Self-Diagnostic Control Board Withconstant Memory Fault Code Historyoutput To A Dual 7-Segment Display
- Color-Coded Low-Voltage Terminalswith Provisions For Electronic Aircleaner And Humidifier
- Efficient And Quiet Variable-Speedairflow System Gently Ramps Up Ordown According To Heating Orcooling Demand
- Multiple Continuous Fan Speed Optionsoffer Quiet Air Circulation
- Auto-Comfort And Enhanceddehumidification Modes Available
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